M.Sc. Student, University of Manitoba
Supervisor: Dr. Martin Entz
About Samantha Curtis
Samantha Curtis is from Winnipeg, MB. She received her B.SC. in Agroecology and completed an independent thesis project on intercropping soybeans and canola in her final year. Samantha’s interest in conservation agriculture began after taking a number of different courses during her undergraduate degree and seeing the harm that some farming practices can have on the health of our soils and surrounding ecosystems. She has always had a passion for nature and the health of our planet, and that passion only grew stronger as she began to spend more time out in agricultural fields and in agricultural landscapes over the course of her degree. Samantha’s M.Sc. project will focus on resource use and resource use efficiency in no-till systems on the prairies. She hopes that over the course of her M.Sc. project and by taking part in the CREATE-CSS program she will acquire a greater understanding of the importance of soil conservation practices in agricultural and natural landscapes. She also hopes that with the knowledge she gathers over the course of the program and during her M.Sc. project she will have a solid basis to start a successful career in conservation agriculture, with the end goal being to have a job where she can help others make smart, ecological choices on their agricultural or semi-natural lands. When not in the fields during the summer, Samantha’s favourite place to be is out at her family cabin on a small lake in Northwestern Ontario.