M.Sc. Student, University of Saskatchewan
Supervisor: Dr. Kate Congreves
About Rachelle McCannell
Rachelle grew up on a mixed farm operation with a focus on beef cattle production near small town situated in the very southwest corner of Manitoba. Rachelle graduated from the college of Agriculture and Bioresources at the University of Saskatchewan in the spring of 2022 with a major in crop science and minor in soil science. Throughout her undergrad studies in addition to summer work experience, sustainable agriculture and crop production has always been a keen area of interest. In May of 2022, Rachelle will begin her MSc studies under the guidance of Dr. Melissa Arcand and Dr. Kate Congreves. The research study focuses on a canola-smart project quantifying soil- and fertilizer-derived nitrogen sources with the use of 15N stable isotope tracing as well as measuring greenhouse gas emissions. Following her studies, Rachelle wants to work towards building sustainable cropping systems on the Canadian prairies by connecting science and recent discoveries to producers. She wants be informative to producers on the importance of sustainable cropping and assist them in implementing climate smart agriculture practices to their operation. Asides from her studies, she enjoys spending time outside gardening or riding and training horses and competing in barrel racing competitions. Rachelle also enjoys being active and spending time with family and friends.