Olivia Blumenthal

M.Sc. Student, University of Guelph
Supervisor: Dr. Kari Dunfield

About Olivia Blumenthal

Olivia Blumenthal was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, where she completed her undergraduate degree in biology at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. She originally gained interest in agriculture from a human rights perspective while working in solidarity with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers through the Student Farmworker Alliance. After that, her interest broadened to include restorative agroecological practices while working on different agroecology farms in the United States and Latin America. Olivia’s M.Sc. project will examine soil microbial communities involved in nitrous oxide emissions in order to better understand how different soil management practices affect the ecosystem services that soils can provide. By deepening her understanding of soil greenhouse emissions, her objective is to contribute to the implementation of best soil management practices and regenerative agriculture throughout the agri-food system. Outside of her research Olivia enjoys writing songs and building community towards a healthier and more just world.