Headshot of Martin H. Entz

Martin H. Entz

Position: Professor; Cropping Systems and Natural Systems Agriculture, University of Manitoba

About Martin Entz

Martin Entz is a professor in the Department of Plant Science at the University of Manitoba.  He received his PhD from the University of Saskatchewan in 1988 and worked as a farm manager and research agronomist before embarking on his academic career.  Martin’s research focusses on ecologically-integrated farming systems and empowering farmers with knowledge and other tools required to design sustainable farming systems adapted to where they live.  He leads the Glenlea Long-Term Rotation Study – Canada’s oldest organic vs conventional farming systems experiment, which has completed 28 years.  Together with colleagues, Martin founded the U of M’s Natural Systems Agriculture program, which explores cropping systems based on processes found in nature — specifically the natural grassland ecosystem of prairie Canada.  

Martin and his team of grad students, research associates and technicians work closely with farmers.

Since 2011, Martin has involved organic farmers directly in the development of crop varieties for organic production in partnership with Agriculture and AgriFood Canada and private grain millers.  This “Participatory Plant Breeding” program now involves over 80 wheat, oat and potato farmers from across Canada.  Martin works internationally, providing science support to various NGO’s including the Canadian Foodgrains Bank’s East Africa conservation agriculture program.  Closer to home, Martin is part of Sustainable Canada Dialogues, a group of 60 Canadian scholars who propose evidence-based climate solutions and actions.

Martin teaches at the diploma, degree and graduate levels and engages farmers in teaching programs.  Outside of research and teaching, Martin enjoys his family and small farm located near Libau, Manitoba.

“Involving farmers and agronomists in teaching the next generation is critical. Their experience, observation and innovation make an invaluable contribution to our search for an enduring food system” 

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