M.Sc. Student, University of Guelph
Supervisor: Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle
About Jacob Evans
Jacob hails from Nigeria where he obtained his first degree in Environmental Management. He then proceeded to Hebrew University, Jerusalem for his M.Sc. degree in Environmental Quality Sciences. Driven by his ambition to advance knowledge, he was awarded a Scholarship to pursue a Ph.D. studies at the University of Guelph. Jacob’s research will closely resonate around reducing carbon emissions by maximizing the yearly photosynthetic uptake using cover crops. His Ph.D. will identify drivers limiting carbon uptake or enhancing carbon loss, and how they change over the course of a year and between years. He will thereafter make recommendations on how best to manage diverse systems with cover crops to ensure long-term carbon gain. In his spare time, he loves to either play chess, listen to jazz and blues music, play piano and bass guitar or play ping-pong.