M.Sc. Graduate, McGill University
Supervisor: Dr. Cynthia Kallenbach
About Deniz Dutton
Deniz hails from Boston, Massachusetts and has spent the past four years studying Environmental Science at the University of Vermont, only two hours away from McGill, where she now studies. She sustained an abiding interest in forests and climate change throughout her degree and in her final year found her passion for soil micro-ecology and biogeochemistry. Deniz is most interested in questions about how carbon can most effectively be transferred from the atmosphere to biomass and soils. She is passionate about promoting natural climate solutions and the co-benefits they provide in the form of biodiversity conservation, clean water and human health. After graduating from McGill, Deniz hopes to join the private sector and improve the way carbon is accounted in forests and agriculture for carbon credits and eventually contribute expertise to national and international climate change mitigation policies. Outside of academics, Deniz enjoys doing yoga, writing about the world through her eyes and listening to electronic music.