Ph.D. Student, Dalhousie University
Supervisor: Dr. David Burton
About Bangwei Zhang
Bangwei Zhang is a Chinese student who obtained a B.Sc. (Agri.) from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and Dalhousie University in 2017, and a M.Sc. (Agri.) from Dalhousie University in 2020. Bangwei began his PhD study at Dalhousie University in 2020. During his undergraduate studies, Bangwei majored in Environmental Sciences and gained great interest in scientific research in the study of the effects of soil amendments on plant growth. During his master’s studies, Bangwei devoted himself to the effects of climate triggers (such as freeze-thaw cycles) on soil nitrogen dynamics, and the influence of possible secondary factors (such as soil water content and soil structure) on the above effects. Vinifera grape production is an emerging industry in Nova Scotia and is rapidly in response to Nova Scotia’s changing climate. The supply of plant available nitrogen and its form (NH4+ vs. No3-) is considered critical in quality of grapes produced. Bangwei’s Ph.D. project focus on explore soil nitrogen management in vinifera grape in Nova Scotia. The focus would be on tools to track and predict nitrogen status and climatic controls of N supply in soils in vineyards.