
1st CREATE-CSS Annual Meeting

1st CREATE-CSS Annual Meeting

Climate-Smart Connections

In February, we held our first CREATE-CSS Annual Meeting. We had big plans for this to be a great in-person networking event; however, due to COVID-19 circumstances we changed our plans to what turned out to be a very successful virtual event planned by a group of students. Over two afternoons we heard presentations from all of the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral CREATE-CSS scholars and shared in lively discussions between presenters, collaborators and other conference attendees. We also got to know some of our collaborators through an engaging career discussion panel, which was an invaluable opportunity for CREATE-CSS scholars to learn more about how to prepare for and set themselves apart in the ‘real world’ post-graduation.

The presentation and Q&A sessions were recorded and are now available here.

CREATE-CSS scholar Madeleine Arseneau, an MSc student studying with Dr. Helen Hambly in the Capacity, Development and Extension program at the University of Guelph, created an infographic summarizing the various, yet very similar, topics that students covered in their presentations during the meeting. The infographic is below, along with a some words from Madeleine:

From deep down into the soil microbiome to the farmers that use the land, our CREATE Climate-Smart soils scholars have been hard at work asking and answering questions to help better understand how soils can be part of the climate solution. Our students are trained in science communication, project management, outreach, and soil knowledge. These skills are applied in the lab and on the field to research the sectors leading questions. Students research objectives, connecting the dots between a variety of factors: better understanding of management decisions, increasing productivity, and creating predictive tools with applicable findings. This infographic highlights our current students’ research topics and objectives.

Infographic connecting CREATE-CSS topics. By Maddy Arseneau.
(click for full size)


Thank you to everyone who attended the event live, and thank you for your interest if you are just catching up now! And, thanks again to the invested group of students who helped me (Program Coordinator Jordan) plan and facilitate this event: Rebecca Johnson, Gordon Bell, Nicole Menheere, Madeleiene Arseneau and Evan Mayer from the University of Guelph, Soudeh Farzadfar and Trang Phan from the University of Saskatchewan, and Jess Nicksy from the University of Manitoba.




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