
Apply for the CREATE Climate-Smart Soils program

Prospective students interested in studying a scientific, social or socioeconomic aspect of climate-smart soils under the supervision of one of our investigators are eligible to participate in the CREATE Climate-Smart Soils program. Students who are already studying a related topic with a CREATE-CSS investigator are also welcome to apply during their studies.

CREATE-CSS applicants must be accepted by their university and investigator of choice in order to be accepted into the program; however, applicants can apply for CREATE-CSS before receiving an official offer from their university and be granted conditional acceptance into our program provided an investigator has accepted the applicant into their lab.

There is no deadline to apply for CREATE-CSS, but applicants should be aware of the application deadline for graduate programs at their university of interest.

To apply, please download and complete the application form (located in right sidebar) and submit to the CREATE-CSS Program Coordinator with a CV/resume and unofficial transcript as one (1) PDF document.

We thank all applicants for their interest in CREATE-CSS; however, only successful applicants will be contacted.

  • Note for web applicants: Applicants are strongly encouraged to connect with a potential supervisor (e.g. one of our investigators who conducts research related to their interests) prior to formally applying for the program to ensure they will be accepted into a lab.
  • Note for students already studying with a CREATE-CSS investigator: If your advisor has recommended you for the CREATE-CSS program already, please contact the Program Coordinator for application information.

Email Program Coordinator:

Application form: